Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Queen of Tarts

At one point in my recent job woes, my sister suggested that I pursue a career using my true talent. Hmmm....still haven't paid off that Harvard degree.....


Something about the way the pan separates, maybe the fluted edge, quick-baking quality? I don't know what it is but I love them. I'll take just about any regular pie-like recipe I have and try it in the tart pan. There's something really cathartic about rolling out a pie crust and creating a visual and gastronomic masterpiece.

Ladies (and gentlemen), let me tell you, if you want to win someone's heart, make them a Gruyere tart. (Maybe I should have gone into advertising). Nutty cheese, eggs, cream, caramelized onions. Something about it just makes people swoon.

Another favorite is the tart made with fresh apricots. I'm not a big fan of the fruit myself but this tart is great - the flavor of the fruit concentrates and provides a wonderful contrast to the mildly sweet crust. And if you really don't like apricots you can substitute any number of other fruits. For those of you wooing someone a bit more artistic or arithmetic, the lattice top is a big hit.

Yum, tarts!


soccer mom in denial said...

Will you start baking for me?
