Sunday, December 02, 2007


I was going to post this story just as a regular post and then realized it was a soap opera. Complete with screaming, a trip to the emergency room, and lots of sobbing.

Want to know what newlyweds do on a Saturday night? Oy.

Last night we spent our evening at the animal hospital. My sweet adorable cat Lucy had not been eating for days, and anyone who owns a pet knows, this is not good. Very not good. She continued to scream for food but would not eat it. We tried everything - pureeing food (that was soooooo unappetizing), switching flavors, hand feeding her kibbles. Nothing worked.

At about 5:30pm we arrived at the vet hospital. Lucy was weighed and checked out by a tech and then we waited for a doctor. My poor Lucy was so quiet which is unusual for a cat trapped in a bag at the vet. At about 6:30 we got into see the doctor and it's at the same time that my husband had to return the car - so he left and said he would come back later to pick us up or I would get a cab (yes, cabs take pets - I've driven in one with my dog Wilma which is a pretty funny sight).

Anyway, the vet takes Lucy to get her blood drawn and then comes back to talk to me. She says that it's one of a few things - her teeth are old and hurt, she has liver failure, or she has kidney failure (keep in mind my cat is 19 years old). The latter two things don't sit well with me - I've been there for two animals for those reasons and it ended sadly. I immediately start bawling. The poor vet is so upset that she has upset me - "no, no, it's me" I say "I just have a bad experience with this". I stop bawling enough for her to tell me that the bloodwork will be back in 2 hours and it might indicate Lucy has to stay overnight. So we agree that I will go get some dinner and she'll call me. I phone my husband. The bawling continues. He gets in the car to come meet me.

In the meantime, I go across the street to a Whole Foods and start wandering around looking for food. Crying. People stared. Finally managing to get some food I go to the dining area and wait for my husband. I calm down. I breathe. He arrives. I bawl.

The vet calls and announces it is good news! Lucy's bloodwork is fine. Not perfect, but for 19 years old we are happy. They can't clean her teeth due to her age but they do send me home with medicine and appetite stimulant to make her feel better and get her eating. Oh yeah, and a big fat bill.

So much for that TV we were getting for Christmas. Instead we get a cat with a million dollar smile. And we are ever so much happier for it.


Dedee said...

Tears and a cat that's ok. Can't get much better than that.

Jenn in Holland said...

Oh, sweet Lucy!
This made me miss my Frank something fierce. I thought she was an old, old cat at 17! Ah, me.

Brillig said...

Oh, I'm so glad that the news was good news! Whew!!!! And yes, I'd say that this certainly qualifies as an SOS!

Wholly Burble said...

Absolutely SOS--I can take about anything but sick fur-babies. And waiting for the "verdict" from the vet--heartache, tears you bet.

SO pleased Lucy is OK, and you can just watch her this Christmas instead of the TV--she is probably more entertaining.

Fourier Analyst said...

Cats accompanied most of my life prior to my move to Europe. I still have not managed to convince DH that children need pets, but am hoping to bring him around. I know what heartbreak can com when they are sick or hurt. It's almost as bad as when it is one of your kids, and if you don't have kids, it is as bad. Hope Lucy is feeling better soon and you enjoy many more years of comfort with her. It's nicer than a TV anyway, and as WB says, probably more entertaining!

Now that you have us hooked, you do owe us an update to say how she is!!