Saturday, December 01, 2007

A Pessimist Turns Silver

The following post is from Vicky - as part of the Blog Exchange this month - "Silver and Gold"


When I think of silver these are just a few of the items that come to mind.

Sterling first then, robin’s egg blue boxes tied up with white satin bows. Glitter encrusted tips of angel wings that float on top of Christmas trees. Shining twinkling ornaments that dangle precariously off tree branches. Silver is a perfect gift. Gleaming bright it shines beautifully as a candlestick or a charm on a delicate bracelet. It is the bright lining in an otherwise cloudy day. Born with a silver spoon in your mouth and you have the world at your feet or so they say.

Lastly I think of this-

Always look for the silver lining (didn’t you just hear a bell chime? I did)

When I was young and I heard people say, “Look for the silver lining”, I would cringe. Immediately I wanted to not look for the silver lining. I wanted to look at the less than sterling aspects of my day, my current situation or my life. I guess you could count me as a pessimist of sorts. The silver lining was something I only saw on the edge of my cereal bowl when I had to use skim milk. I wasn’t a fan of skim milk back then either.

Older now and married to a glass half full sort of guy I’ve come to view life in a new way. Having dealt with some serious issues and situations as my life progressed I realize that I have much to be thankful for. Looking at the silver lining isn’t such a bad thing after all. In fact, it is exactly what I want to teach my daughter as she grows. I want her to be an optimist. The world has enough pessimists and dooms dayers. I want her to see not just the dark edges of life but to come to appreciate those beautiful silver moments where one can see what that sterling lining can highlight. That the ability to see the good in a bad moment can be a lifesaver and sometimes it is all you have to cling to in that single desperate time.

I choose to see that gleaming silver as a light in the dark. That out of every dark passage there is indeed a reason for it and a blessing in it. It is this ability that my strength has grown from and shaped me into the strong woman that I am often (amazingly enough) described as today. I no longer snort with disgust when I hear the phrase, “Look for the silver lining”. Instead I smile and I do look. It is always right where you least expected it.

Hear ‘Silver Lining’, by the incredibly awesome group Rilo Kiley here.

Vicky can be found at The Mummy Chronicles, doing what else but chronicling the daily life of a work at home mother to one tiny dictator, a crazy dog, and a slowly burgeoning freelance writing career. She just loves it when people pay her to write by the way. She can also be found posting numerous reviews at her site, Mummy’s Product Reviews .

Looking for Flower Child? She's over at Vicky's place this week going on about Gold.


soccer mom in denial said...

Yup Mummy - the glass is half-full. So glad you are raising another optimist!

Julie Pippert said...

I think it's okay to feel bad sometimes and admit that times are bad, but yes, it's good to keep that silver thread to the good in mind, too.

Sweet post.

Using My Words

Flower Child said...

Welcome to my site! I'm with you - there's got to be a silver lining. I drive people nuts with it - I look for it in places where really, there is none.

Jen said...

Gorgeous post, Vicky. And I love silver linings - they make my universe.

Jenn said...

nicely done! being an optimist can keep you so much saner, I swear

Heather said...

Some days that silver lining is well-hidden. But I think optimists are happier people, and make the people around them happier too.

I'm not sure what I am. Somewhere in the middle I guess.

Jan said...

A different point of view on Silver..... I love it. Thank you for the reminder.


Wholly Burble said...

So interesting--glad you put this all together. And thanks for sharing the song--nice touch to an already touching post.